Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Picking up things needed

Yesterday as I was out at the stores, I picked up lots of things needed for our trip.
I still have lots to buy, but I can cross a few things off my list. I picked up some,
goldfish snack bags for the kids
Koolaid singles to flavor our water
gum for the plane
a box of oatmeal singles for breakfasts.

We are on the Disney Dining plan, but our agent advised us it is better to use your credits for big meals and bring your own breakfast. We still might eat out for breakfast once or twice or buy bakery items the night before with our snack credits and eat them the next day for breakfast. We will have to see while we are down there.

Today we are bringing up our suitcases, and starting to organize things and pack what we have ready in the cases. I still have lots to do and buy... This month will be all about Packing and everything Disney.

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And that's the wonderful thing about family travel: it provides you with experiences that will remain locked forever in the scar tissue of your mind. ~Dave Barry In America there are two classes of travel - first class, and with children. ~Robert Benchley